You Should Try These Meal Kits

BY Valerie Erwin


I don’t cook. I hate going to the grocery store. It stresses me out, it’s expensive, and the baskets aren’t even by the door at the Safeway by me—they’re by the self-checkout area, which is totally convenient…for the people who work there. And as a result, I either am starving or spending too much on delivery. It’s a problem. 

Or it was. Then I tried Prefare

Pre-made Fare  

full disclosure: I had a code to try a week’s worth of meal kits on them, thanks to the Denver-based brand’s sponsorship of Denver’s best food fests: RARE, Top Taco, and Chicken Fight! (coming up quickly!), all of which are produced by DiningOut Events. So I tried them out. The result: I’m getting meal kits delivered every week—on my dime, not theirs. 

That’s because Prefare is awesome. 

The meal kits I’ve tried before are not awesome. Not for me anyway. My kitchen isn’t huge. I don’t have a ton of counter space, my knives aren’t the sharpest and my knife skills are nonexistent. My pantry is far from stocked with miscellaneous ingredients that the meal kit recipes often called for, so I’d still have to go to the grocery store and every time I walk in and the baskets aren’t by the door, I get a little surge of wtf. And then the instructions are complicated, takes multiple pans and basically forever to cook, I hated it. 

Prefare is the opposite. The meal kits are complete—the only ingredient not included that the kits I’ve tried called for is olive oil and even I have that around. The most prep I’ve had to do is chop a celery stick and green pepper into half/-inch chunks. The meals take less than 20 minutes to come together—many are ready in under 15.  They’re made fresh, locally, by chefs, using local ingredients and they’re delivered to you in refrigerated trucks by Prefare delivery drivers who leave them at your door in coolers Prefare provides. 

The options change weekly, and you can customize your menu by selecting from meals like Chicken Pad Thai with Rice Noodles and Crispy Coconut Shrimp with Tropical Salad. (Both of those are in my next order.)  

And here’s the best part: they handle all the shopping, all the planning, and all the prep save for a veggie or two you might have to chop. Prices start at $11 per meal ($22 per kit) and that includes delivery. Which is absolutely way less than you’d spend at the grocery store for picking up the ingredients yourself. Not to mention that they’ll save you from having to go to the grocery store yourself. 

The ordering platform is super easy, the customer service is super responsive and helpful, the meals are super easy to make—and the dishes are delicious. 

I know this sounds like an ad for Prefare—I’ve got nothing negative to say about the service. Except that the amount of sauce the kits provide tends to be excessive for my tastes…so I just used less of it. That’s not really a negative so much as a matter of personal preference. 

You don’t have to just take me at my word for this. You can go read the glowing reviews on various platforms that confirm my take, or you can just try for yourself—and I highly recommend you do. I’ve got a delivery on its way to my apartment today so I can dine on Greek chicken souvlaki tonight.

You should do it. But don’t be surprised if you want to start giving them your money the following week so you can do it again and again. One week’s worth of Prefare meal kits is all it took to make a home cooker out of me. 


Valerie Erwin

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