Denver’s Post-Dry January Celebrations: Embrace the Spirits

BY Steph Wilson


As the calendar flips to the second month of a new year, Denver’s collective willpower has faced its annual test: Dry January. Yes, that 31-day sojourn through the desert of sobriety, where the only oasis is the mirage of your next drink. You’ve swapped pints for push-ups, cocktails for kale smoothies, and taverns for, well, more Netflix. It’s a commendable feat of self-restraint, a detox marathon where the finish line is as much about personal victory as it is about proving you’ve got the mettle.

But let’s be real. The true challenge doesn’t lie in saying “no” to the booze—it’s in how you navigate the euphoria of that first sip come February. Denver’s bars, restaurants, and breweries understand this all too well. They’re rolling out the red carpet, throwing open the cellar doors, and inviting you to a series of “Fall Off the Wagon” parties. Consider these events less of a fall from grace and more a well-deserved victory lap. Whether you’re a Dry January champion ready to dip your toes back into the waters of moderation or someone who simply appreciates the art of a good celebration, Denver’s nightlife is ready to welcome you back with open arms—and full glasses.


Friday, Feb. 2: Fall Off the Wagon Party @ Resolute Brewing

18148 W 92nd Ln., Arvada 

7286 S. Yosemite St., Centennial

Shine your cowboy boots, put on your bolo tie, and head to this country-western-themed party to celebrate the end of Dry January. There will be horse race games, $4 pours of Reso-lite to ease you off the wagon, and the release of the Saga of the Dead Imperial Stout, brewed with cacao nibs and vanilla. It runs from noon to 8 p.m. on the patio, where Mona Lisa’s food truck is serving up some awesome Italian food at the Arvada location while Hesher BBQ is providing the noshes in Centennial.

Fri., Feb. 2: Fall Off the Wagon @ Que Bueno Suerte

1518 S. Pearl St.

Celebrate the end of Dry January, Suerte style. In conjunction with Espolōn Tequila and Aperol Sprintz, Que Bueno Suerte celebrates your hard work, dedication, and abstinence with a healthy dose of margaritas, tacos, and queso. Think of this party as your cheat day for your New Year’s resolutions—your reward for putting the sauce away and giving that liver a bit of breathing room. Head to the LoHi hot spot from 4 p.m. on (but Happy Hour starts at 3 p.m. on weekdays!) to raise a glass to the end of a boozeless era. There will be specialty cocktails, music from mariachi bands, and lots of fun and games. Think: “tipsy” bat-spin Pin the Tail on the Donkey and water pong, complete with congratulatory ribbons. And of course, all the boozy beverages you need to mark the end of a very dry era. Cheers to that!


Steph Wilson

Steph Wilson is a writer, editor, and creative maximalist in Denver. She makes magazines for a living and throws color around the world like confetti for fun.

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