Blackbelly Market’s Expansion in Boulder is Open

BY Taylor Pepler-Madsen


What Chef Hosea Rosenberg started as a catering, food truck, and farm business quickly became an essential restaurant on the Front Range. In 2014, the original brick-and-mortar location in Boulder opened its doors to diners, and in 2016, a butcher shop and market were added directly next door. As of March 6, Blackbelly unveiled their finished expansion project into the entire 6,550 square foot building space with a gorgeous new private dining room, a freshly built out butchery and market on the west side, as well as larger kitchen spaces. On the exterior, there is a heated patio that can entertain parties, and soon there will be a patio in front of the butchery where you can enjoy your meal with a scenic view of the Flatirons. 

March 6, Blackbelly unveiled their finished expansion project into the entire 6,550 square foot building space with a gorgeous new private dining room, a freshly built out butchery and market on the west side, as well as larger kitchen spaces. On the exterior, there is a heated patio that can entertain parties, and soon there will be a patio in front of the butchery where you can enjoy your meal with a scenic view of the Flatirons.

The butcher and market will be open Monday through Friday from 7 a.m. – 5 p.m. and gradually expand hours and dates just in time for peak Boulder sunshine. The menu consists of favorites like savory breakfast burritos, soups, salads, sandwiches, and indulgent pastries to accompany your coffee. The evening will bring in a menu of boards with cured meats and cheeses to pair with beer, wine, or a bottled cocktail. Once happy hour is added, small bites will be offered. 

Head Butcher Kelly Kawachi leads Boulder’s only whole animal program, and Blackbelly is the only licensed independent business to make and sell house-made charcuterie. Take advantage of the delicious way to support a small local business with top of the line cuts during your visit and to take for your home recipes. 

Blackbelly Market

1606 Conestoga St #3, Boulder, CO 80301

Accolades such as winning Season 5 of Top Chef, being named Best Chef Denver International Wine Festival, and Guest Chef at the James Beard House all follow Chef Hosea. Blackbelly prides itself on their produce, meat, and dairy products that are largely sourced from area ranches and farms with specific practices. They have also added an inhouse artisanal bread and pastries department. Enjoy the fresh flavors for your daily meals, or to host your next event. 


Taylor Pepler-Madsen

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